
Accuro Maxwell
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has gained more influence in the Legal system as an effective means of resolving conflicts outside the traditional court system. ADR encompasses various methods that offer parties a more flexible and less adversarial approach to dispute resolution. In Australia, ADR plays a crucial role in fostering timely and cost-effective solutions to...
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In 2009, the Australian Federal Government have broadened the scope of the Family Law Act to encompass de facto relationships alongside marriages. However, some people might experience concerns about mistresses claiming half of a partner’s assets. In this article, we will use the case of Jonah v White 2012 48 Fam LR 562 to discuss...
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Facing legal proceedings, especially in family law matters, can be a difficult process. Many questions may arise about the process itself, ranging from logistical concerns to the emotional aspects of confronting a former partner. In this comprehensive guide, we address some common questions and answers to help ease some of your uncertainties. 1. Will I...
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This article explores the legal complexities associated with de facto relationships in Australia, providing insights into the factors considered for acknowledgement of de facto relationship and the importance of declarations in navigating issues such as maintenance, property settlement, and the aftermath of relationship breakdown. According to Section 4AA of Family Law Act 1975, the definition of...
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In Australia, the family law system emphasizes the importance of shared parental responsibility, which means that both parents are expected to be actively involved in making decisions for their children’s welfare. Section 61B of the Family Law Act (FLA), defines Parental Responsibility as encompassing all the duties, powers, responsibilities, and authority that parents hold concerning...
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If you’re considering or going through a divorce in Australia, you likely have many concerns and uncertainties. To help you navigate this difficult time, here are 10 common questions and answers regarding divorce in Australia. 1. What Court Should I Go to For Divorce in Australia? The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA)...
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Going through a divorce with legal requirements and procedures can be a challenging and emotional process for both parties. Therefore, by understanding how to apply a divorce in Australia is an important step in this journey. Eligibility for divorce in Australia The residency: Divorce proceedings can be initiated under this law if, at the time...
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The following is purely fictitious and any similarity is coincidental. Mr Wang is from a wealthy Chinese family. He bought some properties in Australia and made some investments after he migrated to Australia. Although he had lost some money by investing a restaurant, he has always kept a positive attitude. He always tells himself that...
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